I refer to the quantity of strength you could reach and not exceeding,and if there is a way that you could determine this when it may seem.I have tried to build strength and mass by incorporating weights and calisthenics for over a year now and have always wondered if there would be a sign showing my max growth.Thank you in advance
How can you tell if you've reached your potential?
· 3 replies
Thoroughly read and fill this out: http://scoobysworkshop.com/muscle-gain-calculator/
Heyy darknessknight :-)
Reading your other posts i would assume that you are new to calisthenics and working out in general. I think you, everybody, do not have to ask ourselfs about our genetic potential at the moment :-D You are 13 years old bro, there is a still looooong way to go and you will get your mass :-) (even if you dont want it, you are going to hit puberty, muscles will grow, its nice :-D)
Use your time informing yourself about good nutrition, good ways to work out etc, but not with asking about your max growth. I do not want to be offensive, it is just my personal opinion:-)