Hey I wanted to ask you guys a quick question: if fasted training is fine. I've been trying it this winter and I feel more energetic, like I could literally do more of everything and the exercises that I can't do I felt even closer to doing them. I have read that fasted cardio burns more fat throughout the training but more carbs throughout the day and also puts the muscle at risk (even though muscle is hard-ish to burn), so I won't do fasted cardio but what about fasted calisthenics? I did it the past 4 days and I did legs & core today after eating but I felt a bit more sleepy. Does fasted training have a negative impact or is it fine to do? I've read it's just a matter of preference. Thank you for any answer. :)
It is to certain extent a matter of preference. I prefer fasted calisthenics 100%. Because it motivates me to finish strong so that I can eat! Food is the reward lol! It also helps with burning fat as well. I reccomend it. Fasted cardio is good as well, I mean if you want to burn fat. It's one of the best techniques to do that. Unfortunately, you do run the risk of muscle loss, which is why I don't do it. I do short-intense cardio sessions. It works great for me. How bout you?
Thanks for your answer Daniel. Yea exactly it motivates me to finish strong too lol. I don't know I really feel better overall when I do it, I think it's more important that you gave it your all and worked your butt off, and to get your macros & calories throughout the day than the actual timing of the workout. I guess it's just what suits the best, and fasted calisthenics has been the better choice I have made so far. Yea I read fasted cardio burns fat kinda easier but I would not want to be skinny-fat when I finally cut down, I'd rather play it safe haha. Well I do jump rope: 50 sec. active, 10 sec. rest; During the 50 sec. I might start with 1 jump per second and then at the last 10-15 seconds I do like 3 jumps per second, I do like 20 rounds of that so it turns out to be 20 (16.6) minutes of intense jump rope, which is why I won't do it fasted, maybe fasted walking as a cardio but then that wouldn't be too intense haha.
Hahaha, yeah I know. Your cardio workout sounds great!💪🏼