Hey all,
I follow a push/pull and core/legs split routine with one day for rest in a week. When should I do my Cardio?
I workout in the morning.
Hey all,
I follow a push/pull and core/legs split routine with one day for rest in a week. When should I do my Cardio?
I workout in the morning.
And build muscle the same time.
Strength training also burns fat if you didn't know. Just know that if you train 6/7 days a week + you want to train cardio you need to eat a lot to gain any muscle. Like really - a lot. I don't do cardio.
So should I do Cardio to get rid of my fat?
Or only do strength training.
that's up to you. I have been keeping my fat% down without cardio.
Cardio does not help you keeping your fat down. of course it contributes to eat because it burns calories however you regulate everything with your nutrition. a long cardio workout does not bring the effect you want when you eat with a daily calorie surplus :-)
And you should inform yourself about cardio, not all types of cardio burn fett. first of all your body uses the glycogen and after that he starts using the fat. if you really want to lose it i would recommend you doing your cardio directly at the morning without a pre workout meal or breakfast because your glycogen storage is nearly empty and your body have to burn your fat. (i explained it just very very briefly one could discuss hours about this topic).
But christian is absolutely right. strength training with the right nutrition will probably be enough
Great replies. I suggest training cardio, if you wish, till you reach 15% of body fat percentage. Then, it's not all that necessary to train cardio. But I would recommend it to work your cardiovascular system as well. Long story short, train cardio(the good kind), reach your goal for fat loss. Then, we can talk about some other things. Meanwhile, good luck!
I meant around 15% body fat percentage.
Yea good replies, just make sure the majority of your workouts are still strength training and not all cardio because instead of gaining muscle you will lose muscle. And also you should know already that it's mainly a work in the kitchen and not with the treadmill or the jump rope. Cardio helps a lot but nutrition should be your main thing because you could do 90 minutes of cardio a day and not burn fat, or you could do short intense cardio sessions 2-5 times a week and burn a lot of fat, it's mainly in the nutrition.
Could you please give me an example of your short intense cardio session.
Well of course, first you should know that they are not that short like 3 minutes, it's more like 15-30 minutes but it's way better than doing boring 90 minutes of cardio that will burn muscle. Up to 30-50 minutes every day is fine, but I don't do it everyday. For fat loss first thing you have to do is fix your nutrition, start eating more healthy and when you hit a plateau where you can't move on then you should start adding cardio, that would be when you hit around 15% body fat, many people get stuck (including me) at this body fat, but all you will have to do is stay consistent and with time it will come. Also, you will have to find something that is the best for you, some people like running more others like jump rope more. But I have 2 routines and I mix them up, for example 2 cardio days I do the first one, 2 cardio days the second one, not exactly like that but whatever, here they are:
1st routine:
50 Second Jump Rope - Accelerating the amount of jumps, so you might start with 1 jump a sec. and finish with 3 jumps a sec.
10 Second Rest
Repeat (15-30 times - feel free to do less/more)
2nd routine:
3-6 sets of 30 sec. high knees [30 second rest between each set]
3-6 sets of 5-10 burpees (no push up) [40 second rest between each set]
3-6 sets of 30. sec mountain climbers [40 second rest between each set]
3-6 sets of 1 min. running stairs OR jump rope [30-40 second rest between each set] (instead of doing all sets, you can also do a burnout where you do maximum you can of running stairs Or jump rope)
Thank You brother❤.