I'm on level 17 and I can complete every movement to the max reps but the only movement I can't do are muscle ups. What should I do?
You can do Front lever raises? I have problem with this exercise. Muscle ups is easy:) You try do pull ups with 10 kg on back. 3-5 reps and do straigt bar dips . It helped me. And you try do muscle ups with jump and slowly down.
I will almost guarantee that your form is lacking and/or you are doing the stuff too fast etc. etc. if you are at that level and you can not do a single muscle up, but you can easily do all the other stuff, then I am sorry my friend, but I think you are cheating your self.
My core is a lot stronger then the rest of my body, that's why I can do front lever raises. The reason I can't get the muscle up, I know I'm strong enough to get it, I'm just lacking the proper technique to get over the bar.
Thank you for the feedback I will start practicing my muscle up negatives and weighted pull-ups.