hello, so i got a question abour front lever.. should my arms, shoulder or elbows should be locked? or how? thanks
i tend to use help from my arms so my elbows bend a little, is it ok?
Elbows should be locked, shoulder blades should be retracted, arms pulling down on the bar for the lats & back activation. When you bend your elbows a little you're not training your lats as much as when they are locked because you use biceps as well when the elbows are not locked, that's in any front lever progression.
It's fine I suppose but don't let it become a habit, same with planche, when you bend your arms/elbows you use a lot more triceps along with the shoulders which is bad if you're training for the full planche with locked out arms.
Gligor said everything :-)
the front lever is an straigth arm exerisice! try to avoid doing it with bent arms!
Thank you. also, do you know which excersise is better? pull up or chin ups¡
Better for what? Each have it's benefits. I don't do that many chin ups (one arm chin up hold is a different story). If you wanna get better at pull ups, do pull ups, if you wanna get better at chin ups do chin ups. Chin ups do a bit more bicep workout because of the whole position of the arms. Pull ups are great for the back & lats, as well as biceps. Pull ups are better in my opinion, they are overall an exercise that's the base of the front lever, the muscle up and other exercises. The chin ups are of course good for the chin up muscle up but you won't be doing too much of them to be honest.
Gligor i had the same thing in mind when i read his question in my emails notifications. "better for what?". both exercises are very good but focus on different muscle regions. i would personally say it is easier doing chin ups as a beginner because the back muscles are not as strong as the biceps. maybe it is wrong, just from my personal experience :-)
Like gligor i would you recommend focusing on pull ups :-) you can progress so good, if normal pull ups are to easy go to pullovers (chris explained it in one video) or l-sit pull ups are also hard as f***.!
Nice reply Gligor!