Hey Chris
For your 20th birthday i wish you the best :)
You improve my life with your videos and calisthenics unity!
Thanks for the words! For y'alls info Im going to sweden the next 4 days so the 10 days of dinner video will be postponed a few days and I will be inactive on the forum the next days. Sorry !
Happy birthday Chris! Damn I can't believe you're 20 lol. Wish you the best, thank you for being an inspiration!
Happy Birthday Chris! Don't worry about the videos being postponed, you do them when you can. Good luck in Sweden!
Daniel Malo
Happy birthday Chris, enjoy your twenties! Have fun in Sweden!🎉🇸🇪
Happy late Birthday, sorry about that :/ hope you had a great day :)
Happy Birthday Chris!!! Enjoy your 20.
Thank you everyone. I'm home from Sweden now :)