hey guys,
i'm working out with chris' program now for a few month and i can't stop wondering at the high amount of sets and reps of muscle ups compared to other exercises.
let's look for example at level 20. i have no problems to do the max. sets and reps in every single exercise except the muscle ups. it says 6-8 sets with 6-12 reps. i am not even close to that. i can do about 4-5 sets with 4 clean muscle ups after that my reps are decreasing if i don't want to have bad form.
to make my point clear, 96 muscle ups at the beginning of the workout seem to be nearly as challenging as the whole remaining workout.
from my point of view there is a great disproportion between the sets/reps of the muscle ups and the other exercises.
but maybe muscle ups are just my personal weakness or chris was a absolute beast when it came to muscle ups ;)
so what do you think?
is there anyone else having such a hard time with the amount of muscle ups?
do you think muscle ups and the other exercies are in the right balance?