hey guys, what do you think about weighted ring dips? is it dangerous? also... what do you think is better, to practice one arm chin up on bar or rings? thank you!
I do never use rings, it makes my hands hurt, well everybody is different. I'll go for the bar because of that. Keep the grind!
i am starting to love rings! my hands actually hurt less on rings, than bars. and my first attempt on a ring muscle up was successful today :)
i do weighted dips, but haven't tried them on rings. i will try it on friday, but i take a lot less weight, than on parallel bars. i am still very shaky on the rings :D
Okey :-)
i would say everything you do under your bar or under your ring has kind of the same difficulty. however everything over the rings or bar (pushing movements) are much more difficult !! ring dips are much harder than parallel bar dips, do not underestimate it :-)
weighted ring dips? make sure that you have enough strength for this move! make sure you are really safe holding the support holds and that you can do ring dips without weight withouth any problems !
definately agree with that! @joker, did you see the video in my thread?
I prefer the Bar. I have more control. If I, however, wanted to develop more balance than strength, then I'd give the rings a shot. It's really just a matter of preference.
I'm realizing there's a lot of benefits to rings so I would go for them. Planning to buy a pair in a few days.