Over the past 2 months I've not been strict or consistent in working out and havent gotten an intense workout either I have simply lost motivation and need help to get to it again.Thank
Check motivational videos, Mateusz M and others, as well as quotes. They do help, but motivation should mainly be internal, from your heart, rather than external from other sources. You gotta realize that this is what will make you grow, be different than others, this is what will make you different from the losers, quitters, haters, you have to to push through bad times through life. I have bad days too, I used to give up on the bad days but it's the mindset, it's if you want it bad enough. It's not like I don't want it to be some sort of magic thing where you don't work out and have good nutrition consistently and make gains, or pass exams without studying, everyone wants that, but that's not the reality, the reality is you gotta stand for what you want, work hard, make it a priority, stop giving in to your feelings, if you really want it you will be consistent bro. You don't have to be strict but you have to be consistent, at least 2x every muscle group per week, 3-4 is best with full body workouts.
Why did you loose the motivation? What do you do instead of working out? playing some games? going out with friends :-)? did you not achieve the results you wish you would have achieved?
Try to answer these questions and we might help you :-) otherwise it is not precise enough and i do not thing that a 0815 standard answer might help you
Motivation is fine and dandy, but for serious long term sticking at it, stop thinking about it as requiring motivation - you don't. You require discipline. Don't ask why you need to do these pushups, just know you need to do them. Don't think you need to be motivated. You need to do it. It's a new way of thinking but train yourself into it and the discipline will stick.
Well I just stopped doing calisthenics and switched to weight training wanting to find out which i fell is the best for me and have realized that it is calisthenicsmI just need be consistent again,but thats the problem
Many people will face ups and downs, specially to the news and the seasonal changing, so yeah don't worry you'll be able to find it again.
A word to the wise here. I got it, your answer. The one you might be looking for or not, but definitely the one you need. Do this one thing and you'll make it! Alright, you ready? Here it is................DON'T THINK! Just do it! Your mind is not strong enough for you to depend on it yet, so don't. Don't think, just do. If you don't think, yea, you might not be motivated.............but guess what? You won't lose motivation either! You won't get hit with doubts and questions that will further influence you into giving up. So just think, I gotta do this, I gotta do this, I gotta do this. And believe me, if you do this, you will complete every workout intensely and consistently. Key Solution: Don't Think! Just Do It!