Hey guys, ive been gymming (weight lifting) for the past 3 months and ive decided to quit the gym fully to move to calisthenics after watching Christians videos for a while, hehe what an inspiration.
I just have one problem. My pull is so much weaker than my push, i can do about 35-40 pushups, 12-15 dips (vertical dips not bench dips), but only about 2-3 regular pullups(not chinups)
What is there i can do to balance it all out? i really want to be able to do 10 pullups as a working set but idk if my problem is my back strength or my grip or anything.
What exercises or routines should i solely focus on to make pullups easier for me?
because i dont know what level to pick, my push/legs/core are for a much higher level, but i cannot do the pull exercises for that level.
Usually Pull up negatives, Pull up holds (First few levels of the program if you have it) tend to work. Also since you can already do 2-3, my idea would be, try to do the 4th one (or whatever number it is) and if you can't do it, make a pull up hold right where you are lifted to your maximum, like you can't lift yourself more and hold it, even if you're just 10% lifted, or 50% of the full pull-up, and kinda graduate from there.. Pull up negatives work/strengthen the same muscles you need to do an actual pull-up but since you can already make pull ups, I think just trying to make more than you did before is probably a good way to increase pull ups.. Also lowering your weight helps, depending from what you can do, I'd say you're in a pretty good shape and not overweight. Good luck!
Also just do some hangs for grip strength, just hang on the bar for some time, some say good time is 40-60 seconds, if you can't do that you can gradually increase the time, it also stretches some muscles.. I am not sure but some people say some stretches make you higher (like in height, not .. higher.. like in drugs).. XD
Ofc watch all the different pull exercise tutorials to get a better understanding, but for the workout program part, you should consider taking a pull part from an easier level and integrate it into one of the harder levels to make it fit with your strength in push movements etc. That would be the best to do!
- Chris
Okay! thanks guys! it really helped :)