Hello guys i've recently bought a month of calisthenics unity to give it a try but i have a couple of questions:
- I'm planning on starting at level 1 but my question is, how long should i train on a specific level? (like lets say i start at lv 1, do i have to go to lv 2 after a couple of weeks or a like a month?
- Considering i will be working out at home i have a problem with finding a way to do dips. I could use chairs but its kinda dangerous and i dont have any place near me with ''dips bars''. Any idea?
- Do i need to do extra cardio over the calisthenics training? ( i have pretty much an avarage body: 180cm x 73kg x 21yo. I am planning on cutting a tiny bit and then going straight for bulking so im not sure if ill need extra cardio)
Thanks in advice