Hi Chris,
I want to buy your system but I have a problem with the paying. I need to put all my card information and this is not safety.. why can't I pay with paypal?
Of course its safe! Do you think I would do something thats not safe for you? Many people have already purchased with no problems. It's a big company called VHX hosting the payment and the platform. No reason to be afraid (y)
- C
Ok thanks! And i have one more question.. I already traning.. I train for about 6 month and I got amazing results.. my body realy changed and I don't know if I should buy your system.. I afraid that I will get weaker if I'll change my workout..
pretty sure you won't get weaker by doing my workout program lol. If anything it might give you good ideas to exercises you can incorporate into your own workout if you don't want to do my routines :) its up to you!