Hey Chris i bought the programme 1 month ago and i`m still happy.
Maybe it`s a silly Question but how long did you trained to did your first muscle up?
I hope you understand my question.
Hey its a good q! Around 3-4 months after i began working out.
Thanks for answering the question :)
Are negative muscle ups the best exercise to learn the regular muscle up?
Greetings from Switzerland
No in my opinion it's another exercise called tiger bend push ups. I actually just recorded a video about that, i'll release it as quick as i can!
I got another question about your first muscle up. Have you did your first mucle up with momentum or without?
Thanks for answering question so fast :))
With a lot of momentum of course. It took me around 1 year to get a strict muscle up :) You can see my first muscle up in my 16 year old body transformation video.
Oh that´s a long time. I have seen your 16 year old body transformation more than 50 times i guess :) You are my insiration. I got antoher question when is your birthday because i think you are only a little bit older than me:)
18th january. glad i've inspired you
Hey chris to do a muscle it is important to get as high with the chest as possible. But is there a trick to get as high as possible?
It's the technique, of course you need a lot of muscle for the muscle up, but a lot of people that have tons of strength can't do a muscle up.. From the research I've done, you swing forward a bit, and then right when you're coming back you do a knee raise and pull up at the same time, it looks like that but I'm not sure if that's how you explain it..
actually I have just finished recording a video for that! It will be uploaded very soon! funny coincidence lol
Will this Video be available only for Premium User?
yes premium page is new videos every monday or even more often. Workout program is like it is forever (y)