Hi Christian I need help. I am happy because my body change. I have six pack more strength,
I am satisfied, but I am tired, weary and wan. I do your routine sometimes 3 - 3,5 hours for day and 3 times to week + every second day 20 minutes for power endurance + 20 minutes your fat burnout. You had similar problem sometimes? What is problem food? diet? I feel unhealthily
Maybe you don't eat enough food (put in enough energy), you don't drink enough water, from what I can see maybe you push yourself too much, which level are you at for 3.5 hours ?
I am 14, 15, 16, 17 level. I do only core routine sometimes 45 minutes - 1 hour. The others 2 - 2,5 hour. Is it a lot of for me? I don´t eat any supplements, only homemade food. What i have eat for more energy? Thak you for answer
I also workout for 2-3 hours.
What are you eating throughout the day?
-before I go to workout I make sure I eat a fruit which is very high in calories
-> therefore you can have a coconut which is very high (1000 calories approximately)
pears are good too.
make sure you give your body enough minerals and vitamins with herbal teas, fruit, good raw honey etc.
Being tired doesn't necessarily have to do with energy.. it also could be that your body is missing a certain mineral or vitamin and therefore your body has problems digesting or using the proteins and calories you're taking in.
Morning at 6:30 o clock I eat scrambled eggs from 2 eggs, 1 cup milk and 1 banana. 10 o clock I eat Bread with peanat butter and strawberry jam. 12 o clock I eat lunch in my work. 16 o clock I go to the gym. 19 o clock last dinner bread with ham, sometimes rice milk. That´s all what I eat all day.
You definitely have to be sure that you eat enough, thats how you get your physical energy you can say.
If that's not the problem, then it can be mental energy, like if it's too much for you. Working out for 3,5 hours sounds like maybe a little too much. Try to see if you can finish the workout faster, and get home and eat :) But it can also be lack of motivation.
If you don't know what to eat i'll soon be posting a lot of nutrition videos at the premium section so look out for that!
Thanks, hope it could help