Hi, i have just bought this program but have not started it yet. I am a beginner in calisthenics, I can do around 20 push ups, 8 dips, and 2-3 pull ups. I am wondering what will be the most effective way to do this program. I am planning on doing this workout Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Cardio on Tuesday and Thursday (Maybe Saturday too) and resting on Sunday. I am planning to eat in a caloric surplus on calisthenics days, and a caloric deficit on cardio days. I will eat maintenance calories on Sunday. I am 5'9'' 131 lbs at roughly 12% body fat right now, my goal is to get to 165 lbs and below 10% body fat, I plan on completing the entire program, from level 1-30 no matter how long it takes. Will this be enough to help my achieve my goal? Thank you in advance. #barbrotherssalute.
Honestly, I think the best way to find out is to experiment it yourself, it might slow down your progress, but for me, I'm currently experimenting jump rope, it's been 2 weeks and I eat some sugar, but not a lot, my veins pop up more (which is a sign for fat loss) but I'll check it for a month, if I don't see any results, I will lower my caloric intake and eat no sugar.. I don't know if burning fat and gaining muscle will work at the same time, you're going to have to wait for Chris or someone to answer you. But I do the jump rope every day for like 15 minutes, when I have workout day sometimes I do it before workout to warm-up sometimes after workout to cool down and burn some extra calories. Good luck!
You really do not want to be in calorie deficit on cardio days, especially not while doing cardio at the same time! Its on your rest days you are rebuilding the muscles you have used on your workout day, so if you don't eat, you will not gain any muscles, and doing cardio makes your body burn extra energy, so in the end you will break down your body. Seeing your stats i would recommend you to do the program as I have designed it, so don't do cardio on your rest days, only if you eat extra food, and try to workout every second day, and not just 3 times a week. But like Gligor said, youre very free to experiment!
Hope that helped :)
- C
Thank you for your advice both Gligor and Chris! I understand what you are saying. Unfortunately I can only go to the gym 3 times in the week and I can't make it so I workout every other day. Will this affect my results? I thought about doing each level twice so I build more strength, will this be beneficial? Also will just following the program help me transform my physique? I want to build muscle and cut down a little too, I can't see my abs yet and in most bar brothers transformations I've seen, the people can see their abs a month or so into working out. (Your video for example on month 1 you were already lean. Very inspiring though!). Will not doing cardio still help me cut down considering I gain mostly muscle with minimum fat? Sorry for question after question, I understand that your time is limited Chris, but I am just really confused about how to do this. Thank you for helping me out. Bar brother salute from Canada
Can you ever do workouts at home? There are usually ways to build equipment for free using things around the house. If you can't, there is no point in worrying about it.