Hey Guys
I use this program for more than a year. I did mostly every exercise from all body parts ( Legs, Core, Bizeps, Triceps/chest). From time to time i got really demotivated because if the big amount of time i needed for the leg exercises. So i got a idea: I train "only" bizeps,triceps/chest, sometimes core so i have more spare time so can focus more on the upper body part. Whats are your opionios on that?
Let me now :)
Bro, you need to train legs as well man. Try this:
Monday: Push and Pull
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Core
Thursday: Push and Pull
Friday: Legs
Saturday: Core
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Push
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: Pull
Thursday: Push
Friday: Legs
Saturday: Pull
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Push and Pull
Tuesday: Core and Legs
Wednesday: Rest
Tuesday: Push and Pull
Friday: Core and Legs
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Push and Pull
(In this last example you rest each muscle group two days, so each week you will do different muscle groups each day.)