You are supposed to eat a lot especially if you're starting out pretty skinny. Well some people can't gain fat even with thousands of extra calories, it's just easier to get a lot of calories in the unhealthy foods, tons of fats and carbs which means tons of calories but they are not really productive calories are they. Of course in the end what matters is to be in a caloric surplus, I'm not saying not, but you will feel better by knowing that you're givin 100% in nutrition and eating clean rather than just doing some stuff like "It fits my macros bro" and eating a snickers bar. You can do that sometimes, everything in moderation, don't be 100% strict all the time, no one can handle that 365 days a year. Do a little re-search yourself on clean bulking, because I still haven't gotten to a point to do clean bulking (I'm losing fat), so I don't have much knowledge about it.
As for the second question, first you already have a decent body bro, low body fat % now you just need to put on muscle mass which takes some time to see results. I'd say a month is definitely not a lot of time, just don't rush yourself because of some thoughts in your head that you have, keep it as simple as you can, think of a transformation for a few years and not a few months and the results will come. Your body will be better with CU program and clean bulk than it is currently, but everything will come with time. Never get discouraged if things didn't go as you expected though! Salute!