When i workout i dont use gloves but i have ones.I dont know if i should use them or no?
Do you guys have any tips?
When i workout i dont use gloves but i have ones.I dont know if i should use them or no?
Do you guys have any tips?
Yes, I recommend gloves. Only really need them for the "pull exercises". I mean if you have them you might as well use them. They protect hands and prevent hand pain during the reps/sets. Make sure the gloves are good for grip during pull ups. some gloves are not made for pull up type exercises.
Ty man!!! But i think i will workout without them
Ty man!!! But i think i will workout without them
That's all up to you, either with or without..
If you start without, you will get a lot of calluses at the start but your hands will normally get used to them, I'm talking for pull ups, when you get to muscle ups they will hurt a lot again, and you should continue without them if you have started already, just my opinion.
People say with gloves you work your grip and forearm less, but I don't know if that's true, you might have a better grip like Justin said.. For calluses, I'm not sure, you still might get them, I think most of it is in the grip, overtime you will get a better grip and even bare hands should be fine. I don't think there's any downside, some people say "Only real men train without gloves", but you really shouldn't believe in that because they probably regret it sometimes if I'm being honest, there's no reason to be so disrespectful, because even if you're training with gloves, you're doing something, you're still improving, so don't worry.
I'd say try it with first and without, if it's easier for you with gloves, continue.. Once again, it's your call. Good luck!
Ty alot! O wild nota use them becouse i alredy learned the muscle up