Is it okay to do like push, core and legs in the morning and then do pull at night? Because I dont have enough time to do them together as they are really long for me. Im currently doing between 1,2 and 3 and for me the workouts last 3 hrs or more I think I'm doing something wrong. For push, core and legs exercises I do till max reps and sets but for pull exercises I cant. Can anyone give me some tips or suggestions? Also, can I substitude australian pull ups to neg pull ups?
It would be fine if you did that. I've done it a few times. Level 1/2/3 should not last 3 hours man, maybe you have too much rest? My workouts last 2.5 to 3 hours and I'm almost done with the program.
Don't worry, you'll get better at pulling exercises overtime, pulling exercises are harder because you use 100% of your bodyweight, and in most beginner push exercises it's not 100% of your bodyweight. And technically yes you can substitute, but you shouldn't, Australian pull ups work slightly different (horizontal pulling) than negative pull ups (vertical pulling).
Thanks for the reply bro. Is it okay to not have rest time between each sets?
No, you should have rest time. If you don't have rest time you won't be able to do as many reps. Just follow the rest time Chris has produced, usually around 60-140 seconds. But taking 3 hours on the first levels just sounds strange, sadly I can't remember how long they took me as I stopped working out right when I started the first levels because of an injury.