Hi i am Miguel. 35 years old from Thailand. I never trained before calisthenics and i do very little sports and bad nutrition but now its the time to be better.
My actual achievements
4 pull ups
2-3 dips
15 push ups
Lets goooo
14 Sep 2017
Level 1 I enjoy so much with the level but for me was hard above all because the level has a lot of exercIses and intensity. Anyway i was able to do everything with max , except australian push ups that i was only be able to do 5 in last sets.
16 Sep 2017
Level 2. I Found more easy than Level 1. Everything done at max less Australian push up only 5 in last set. Lets go level 3.....
18 Sep 2017
Level 3. A little more difficult that level 1, but i was able to do everything to max, except australian pulls up and Squats that i only did 6 sets instead of (8) and 20 reps instead of (30), but like its minimum let go to level 4. Note in australian pulls ups i was able to do 6 in last serie, so i improve.
20 Sep 2017
Level 4. Pulls ups i did the max i can that was 4 reps so ok. Australian pull ups i was able to improve 1 rep more in last set so now i can do 7. Dips i can only do 4-5 of the 10 like max that say the level. The rest i was able to do it but like i did very little dips i repeat the level.
22 Sep 2017
Level . Today i repeat the level and i did the same Australian pulls ups but i found myself more strong. I can do more in other sets, so i am improving so much here. Also i can not understand why i was able to do now 7 dips. i think its because before i didnt do with good technique. Also like i repeat the level i change a little de core exercises and put one of level 3 and one of level 4. So lets go to Level 5