how can I train the abs' thickness? can you give me advices for shredded abs?
Abs are 70% eating correctly and 30% working out. I do a full day of abs. I target abs for 45min to an hour.
I eat very healthy but I don't have christian abs 😅
Slow the tempo, and focus on the stretch and squeeze of each exercise. But as Justin said, you need to get your body fat low through eating correctly (mainly) so that they are more visible and then start busting out the workouts. And I think 45 minutes might be too much, I'd rather go smart and really focus on the squeeze (flex or whatever it's called) rather than just going nutz on exercises and reps.. My opinion though, if it works, nothing to blame :)
To grow a muscle group you have to focus on it for 45-1 hour or your not going to see it grow. I never said I go nutz on reps. You can simply do only 6-8 exercises with only 3 reps.
not sure of anyone building a muscle group by targeting it with only 2 exercises for 20-30min
Yea I didn't mean to say that nutz thing but on crunches you need to focus a lot on the squeeze as well as for most ab exercises, but you still need to do reps to feel it so I retake that back haha. I understand but when I usually do the levels, a muscle group (Push, pull, legs, core) usually takes me around 30-50 minutes as you said but I've never reached an hour long for one muscle group and I am building muscle.. If the workout is intense enough so that you break the muscle tissues so they can grow back stronger/bigger (which is also a part of nutrition), do whatever works the best for you haha, good luck! :)
If I focus on body fat, I don't put mass....this is the problem
So talking about chris abs, is it a lot of genetic?
I have good genetics for my core, yes. But it has still improved a whole lot since i started. You can also look at genetics like, some people have genetics to be able to get a visible eight pack, other people can get a six pack, and so on. Its all about body fat% :)
- C
Chris how do you keep a low body fat with a lean bulk like you do?
I share his question chris :)