Hey Chris, for the workout program, why you do something like level5 ( failed ), I felt like level9 is easier than level5 what is that....does it suppose to work that way, I can do some pull ups and dips now like about 6 or more, when I took a look at ur program again idk where to jump in cuz some lower level is easier than the higher levels XD.
I think you're looking at the 16 week workout example. It's saying that if you fail a level (can't finish minimum reps/sets of an exercise from the level), you need to go back a few levels so you come back stronger to do that level you failed..
I started from lvl 1 even though I felt like I can start from lvl 4 so start from start, and of course lower levels are easier than higher levels..
Great answer Gligor!
Right. I still feel like level 9 is easier than level 5 - -
I'm not sure why level 9 is easier than 5 for you, but you might be stronger in some of the exercises in that particular level. All our bodies are different, but for most people level 9 for instance would definitely always be harder than lvl 5 :)
- C