Hey everyone since Chris hasn't released the nutrition guide yet I was hoping this could be a forum where we compile some healthy eating choices that are good and delicious. A thing I'm curious about is say your a calisthenics guy who eats a lot of calories. (From what I can tell Chris Barviking does this) How is it that he doesn't gain fat when he eats far over 2000 calories?
Cause he burns them while working out perhaps
Sorry about the guide is taking long. So many things have to be done correctly and thoroughly, but I can't wait to release it and i'm working on doing it really soon!
The guide is going to clarify your question further, but the simple answer would be: The goal of your daily intake is to make a calorie surplus in which you use most of the fats to burn throughout the day and in your workout, but create an excess of some protein (and also carbs and fat ofc) to build muscle.
The ectomorph and mesomorph have a relatively easy way of doing that.
Also please note that while doing clean bulking like I do, sometimes it's good to go into a short cutting fase since you can't avoid gaining a bit of fat when being in a constant calorie surplus.
Also just to clarify, yes I eat far more than 2000 calories. I eat around 4000 calories a day.
I really can't wait to release the guide. You guys have so many great questions!
- C
Chris no problem. We understand that you have also many important things like school for example. But we also can't wait and we are really excited about nutrition guide but wr know that you don't live only with Bar Brothers and we have no hard feelings :) just know that we are really waiting for it :)
Agreed mate!
Thanks for the reply man, much appreciated. Follow up question when do you think bar brothers will restock some of the merchendise. My plan is to purchase a sweatshirt once ive gotten to a level where I feel I can wear it proudly
I don't mean to keep bombarding you with questions given that you're a busy person, but will the clean bulk shed fat and build muscle because from what I've researched many say to eat around matinence and workout or slightly under matinenece and workout to shed fat. I dont have a lot of fat a little on my lower abs and sides, but can see the upper ones. How should I pursue dieting?
you sound like a ectomorph. is this correct? If so dont worry about eating. eat as much as you can but just dont eat garbage food. healthy carbs, fats, protein. eat as many as you want from those (but healthy ones)
Thanks for the reply man. Yeah I've been doing just that. I've been eating around 1800 calories, but keeping it completely clean in hopes of shedding the rest of that fat I have while maintaining my muscle