Hey Chris, i just bought the program and it seems amazing, but i got a question... im warming up before excersice and then i stretch after it. But, i dont know when to practice skills or how to practice them, would you please tell me how? someone told me to practice them after warming up and before the workout but idk, also idk how to start with them or which one to do first, for how much time, etc!! thanks.
i would also like to know about the "+max" on some excersises i dont understand that part, it it max reps like failure? or max reps on the workout ( lets says 4-6 sets of 8-10 reps, does that means that the next one has to be 10 reps?)
Bro, it is really nicely and easily explained within the program and I am not sure what your first question is when you wish to practice your "skills" ?
I know...but i dont know if he means to go to failure or just to the max reps on the box, if i understood that i wouldnt be asking.
About the skills, im talking about handstand, human flag, etc
Daniel Malo
Try them on your rest days, works for me!
Daniel Malo
ido tsimchi
Daniel Malo