Hey Chris!
I'm a little bit confused, because my brother told me that when i train with so much sets for example 8-10 sets dips of 8-10 reps it is more endurance as
More endurance than strenght in workout program???
Not completely true, but not completely false either :)
3 - 5 reps is usually considered the most ultimate for gaining strength, but that is usually very hard to accomplish with body weight exercises.
5 - 10 reps is usually considered the most ultimate for building muscle mass, and still gaining a satisfying amount of strength, and thats what this program is made for. You want to see your body change, and you want to become stronger while doing it. That's what I did :)
+ There is nothing wrong with stamina training as well. That increases the amount of capillaries, which will also make you over-all stronger.
- Chris
Sorry the question wasn't completed yet here is the original: Hey Chris!
I'm a little bit confused, because my brother told me that when i train with so much sets for example 8-10 sets dips of 8-12 reps it is more endurance than strength training. I think it isn't that wrong, because i've already heard about that, when you go over 3 or 4 sets you train more endurance than strength. Also i think you would burn more calories than a "normal" workout then it will be harder to gain weight. So is it true or is it just wrong? I would appreciate it when you answer my question. Thanks.
The heavier you lift, the greater an EPOC effect you will create, which leads to burning more calories, than doing lighter exercises :)
But if your brother were right, you would just need to eat a bit more.
- C
Thanks for the reply. Yeah i already eat alot. So i think that is okay. But its true that you can't eat too much when you want to gain weight so i will try to eat more than a lot :)
This will be hard to try eat like he does, but i will try lol so thanks for the link. Because of that you look now so big ;)