Now I'm not quitting, I am taking a break from upper body exercises because apparently I have developed a tennis elbow (tendinitis), and I hope you never get it, it's a stupid pain that I get after working out, I did warm up properly and everything but I guess it was written to be this way. I went to the sports doctor and he said I will need to rest 2 weeks to do a therapy and then check my arm again.
So far I have reached level 16 and I am very grateful for what Chris has done for me personally, it really means a lot, I was a basketball player that lost fat but life hit me and I got fat, but instead of being this fat depressed kid that is a no-lifer, I have changed my mind and my body with time, I have rebounded my life thanks to Chris, on top of that I was one of the winners of the giveaway which boosted my mood a lot more. But the journey is not over, in fact it has just started! If you can't do one pull up or push up or whatever it is, Chris's workout program definitely grants great improvements for calisthenics if you're willing to make a change, put in hours of hard work and never give up no matter how long it takes.
I hope you all reach your goals, I hope we all make it! If you're going through hard times, know it's going to get better, start doing calisthenics, it boosts your confidence up. Everyone can make it, it doesn't matter if you're starting out 20KG overweight or 10KG underweight, it takes WWW (Wish, Work, Wait-patience), so no matter how hard it is in your life, if you're willing to change and bounce back, you gotta get up and try, but you should know that nothing comes overnight, it might take you 4 months to get the muscle up or lose fat or whatever your goal is, or it might take you a year, but patience is key!
I say "Good luck, work hard, never give up" to everyone that will read this and that is for every aspect of life, not just calisthenics, and I want to say Patrick Sommer, keep your head up, it took me 1 and a half month to go from lvl 14 to 16, so just know you're getting closer to the muscle up at lvl 13, and for all other guys that are writing their journey [and of course all others] (Daniel Malo, Justin, and I forgot the other names), keep working hard, keep killing your workouts!
I wish you all the best! I''LL BE BACK! Thank you once again Chris! BAR BROTHERS ALL DAY EVERY DAY- Salute!
(Anyone reading this, my father's name is Gligor and I couldn't find how to change it, my name is Aleksandar haha)