Hey Chris!
I have problems with muscle ups, because after 4 sets of 6 or 8 reps im too exhausted and cant do anymore 6 reps. But i dont think im to weak in triceps, because i already can do lot of tigerbend and also muscle up close + wide grip. So i think i fail on the pull part, because after many sets i dont have the strength anymore and i dont won't to do like chicken wing the last reps ( one arm after an other), because for me they are no reps. So i dont try the last reps with chicken wing, when i cant do anymore right ones. Have you any idea how to get more explosiver with them? I know its alot to read, but i would really appreciate it when you can answer my question.
There's nothing wrong if the muscle ups are new to you and you do chicken wing. That's how you get you're first muscle up!!! So if you're tired and can't do strict muscle ups anymore, then I think it's fine to finish with chicken wing muscle ups. It's still the same exercise for your arms, they're just no muscle ups per se.