Okay, Chris first I wanna say good luck with your new movement,I hope you succeed even more, it feels strange (for me atleast) that you left bar brothers and all that, but we're still with you :)
So my problem/question is, 2 weeks I feel great and then a few days I feel a bit empty and unmotivated, and it just keeps going, like I'm emptied out and I need to just go fall in a deep sleep XD. I workout alone most of the time, so that might be one thing... I'm still resting my elbow but I do cardio and a few pullups and pushups here and there. If anyone can help it'd be appreciated, I don't think there's anyone here on this forum from my country (Macedonia or fyrom or ROM), and there's not a lot of bar bros.. Uniters in my country either so I can't get a partner XD however I do get the motivation back after a few days, I was just asking if it's normal, sry for this huge msg