I've started my journey in late February this year and I've being doing calisthenics 4 months now nearly 5 months and I've already gotten my first muscle up at my progress of 2 months but sense then when i progressed from my 3 month to 4 months i have being able to do much about increasing my reps on muscle ups and i want help to know if i should focus on more explosive reps or increase more pull ups and tiger bend push ups to my routine.
I have quite similar problem. I've done my first muscle up 2 months ago and since that time I've also was practising it but I still have problem cause I can't perform it sometimes. One day I can make 10 and on other 0. Can you guys tell me how can I fix it? I do in my workout tigerbend push ups, shuttle push ups, explosive pull ups and deep straight bar dips
Back when I learned my first muscle up 4 months into my journey, I focused a LOT on rep increasing and breaking records. One MU became two, then 3,4,5 etc. Just keep going!
Thanks Chris
thanks Chris ill just do that salute.
Just one more question. Since I rarely can do a muscle up then how am I supposed to try increasing reps? Should I try to go into a muscle up even if I can't sometimes get over the bar?