Since rest days are very important, would it be bad if I practiced my handstand, muscle up, frog stand, l-sits and all those kind of tricks? Or would I be better off doing it on my workout day?
Hey Steven,
like you said rest days are very important!
I don't know why but still a lot of people believe that the body gets stronger or fitter when you are training. your body gets stronger in the intervals beetween your training sessions. and to reach this, you have to give your body the chance to recover. give your body the right nutrition, enough rest and enough sleep and it can recover from almost everything.
Nevertheless i would say it is completely ok if you do stretching/mobility or want to improve your handstand. You don't need a lot of Power for this things. Or i would recommed a complete different type of workout, for example swimming or jogging on a rest day, which trains your muscles in a different way. I love it.
Tricks like muscle up, tricks which demand a lot of strength and power, i would defintily not train on your rest day.
You could train the Muscle Up Progression before your Push Workout.
Stay motivated Steven, but don't want to much in a short time. Step by Step.
Pretty much said it. Great answer.
Thanks guys, that helped out a lot. I'll see yous around the forums.
Ciao πͺπͺπͺ