my shoulders are really tight and they are standing a little bit forward, so not exactly in line with my body if you know what i mean. Maybe it's because I've been doing a lot of dips lately, I don't know.
Does someone have a rehab and stretch exercise or something like that because I think that I have to train the back part of my shoulders.
Any help? thanks.
What exatcly is your problem? Im guessing since you're not feeling any pain in shoulders they you should be OK, also dont do that many dips if you think this is the problem, Chris have a video of strect exercises after workout otherwise go on youtube im sure you will find something there! Maybe someone else can explain better.
I'm not sure I understand either. It sounds a bit like a problem with your posture?
Yes I don't have any pain at all, but just the posture isn't really right. I have been doing some stretch exercises lately and it's getting better. And I also sleep on my back now instead of on my side where my shoulders weren't in a good position.