Hello! So i'll do lvl26 tomorrow and after that wilõ come lvl27 where i have to do onearm chinups for the first time, but i cant do it, just cant, i can hold and do negatives very well but i cant pull myself up. So i wanted to ask, if only negativea and one arm holds will get me to onearmchinup, bcs ive seen that you have to do weighted pullups and onearm pullups like with 1 finger assistance. I'll wait for you answers!
Yeah thats i good idea. I think you can learn it just with negatives and holds. But you also should know that this is an advanced move so it will take some time until you get there.
You should try weighted holds of one arm chin-up. It will make you more stronger on in one arm holds and you will be able to do one Arm chin-ups . You can use dip belt to add weights.
Good advise guys!