Just bought premium member, been watching videos, it's awesome!
So my question is, there was a pullup competition where i took part in, i did 18 chinups and one other dude in my class did 20, but i know that he's not working out correctly, he's one of those instagram/picture type of guys, who just post "oh doing street workout" and then ton of smiles or emotions or how you call these :D
He can do around 2-3 muscleups like with chicken wing, one hand first, but i can do like 8 muscle ups with chicken wing, maybe 2-3 muscle ups with both hands at the same time, still he beat me on the competition.
So i read somewhere that when you do chinups(i did close grip chinups) then you only use your bicep mainly but he did regular-wide grip pullups, that uses more back and lats, so could that be that i only put pressure on my biceps and he like used biceps and back more, or how.
I'll be waiting for your answers guys! :)
Forgot to mention i just turned 15 and that dude was 15 too
For most people chin ups are easier and wide grip pull ups are harder.
This could be a lot of things:
-He weighs less, so he has to pull with less force. (Believe me even hanging on the bar is easier for people that weigh less, but of course 20 pull ups means he has some muscle after all)
-You might not have gotten the best: motivation, rest/sleep, nutrition, etc.. that day.
-As Chris says, sometimes it's hormones.
-Some days we will do more, some days we will do less, it's no big deal, it's usual.
Maybe he's working out (incorrectly, whatever) for a longer period than you or something.
And you shouldn't feel bad.. Don't worry, you're doing it for you, be the best you can be, if there's another competition you will bust his a**, work hard, but remember you're doing it for you, impress yourself, you don't have to prove anyone wrong if you don't prove yourself wrong first. :)
And depends how strict you/he did them. You said he works out incorrectly, maybe he didn't do proper form on them and didn't do strict form either, where as you were as strict as possible (which is what all dedicated calisthenics athletes should do)..
He did them pretty strict, didn't use momentum and so did i, but i think as i was doing close up chinups(works on bicep hard) i gave my biceps hard pressure, but he did pretty normal-wide grip pullups and used back and lats aswell, but there was a competition on our pe class where we had to do as much pushups as we could in 2min, same with crunches, i won them all, he did like 15 less pushups than me and 20 less crunches than me.
There are parties where we both go, he drinks so much alchohol and i drink zero alchohol, he uses supplements like creatine protein shakes and etc on daily bases, even if he doesn't need them, now i'm using nutrition guide and i mean i should have stronger base than him, but maybe i just didn't have enough energy or my nutrition wasn't good, now i try to follow nutrition guide and do as chris say.
Thanks for answering Gligor! :)
Oh and as the title says, is there any teqnique(sorry dont know how to spell it) to do more pullups/chinups? Like the grip or anything at all, any help would be appriciated :~)
Practice, it's that simple. There is no shortcut(like creatine and protein shakes and supplements) for real calisthenics Bros! You just need to give it your best and with time, as Gligor said, you'll bust his a**!!!
Yeah just keep working out hard and getting stronger.. Which the full body workout program gives you, amazing routines in my opinion, just about everything you need. Now, with the proper nutrition, you don't need supplements! About the chin up - pull up thing, yeah you're putting more on the biceps, but you're still using the back/lats - only a lot less, where as in pull ups it's vice versa (depending if you pull down with elbows, which he probably wasn't doing if I had to guess.. I mean Chris said his set of max strict good pull ups is 20 or so, so my guess is he somehow still did them incorrect form, and he did them just for the number-which is not bad because after all it's a competition, not a street workout tournament in like Serbia, Valjevo or so..). Good luck bro!