Hi. I have been doing a variety of exercises trying to get the strength for the official BB program and after 3 months have made much progress but still cannot do enough chin-ups and pull-ups to begin. Chris's videos inspire me so I have started the 3 day trial.
I like the flexibility of your plan and the idea of full body training appeals to me but I have some questions I need answered before I can commit to this program.
1. As a beginner only one day off between workouts is enough to recover but as I progress the muscle stress increases so is one day off between working out the same muscles really enough to rebuild and strengthen muscle tissues? Especially as I am 45 years old.
2. I love the flexibility of number of sets and reps but how do I judge my performance as a pass? Maybe I can achieve max reps with min sets but is that enough to be ready for the next level? Should I start out at min reps and sets and move on to the next level when I can perform max reps and max sets?
Looking forward to your answer before deciding how to go forward with this program.