Today I started the program. I started at Level 3. I chose that level because my pull skill is low so I felt although I can do 5 pull-ups it won't hurt to start with negative sets.
This is what I found.
Basically, time limitations is the number influencer.
In the past I did the usual bar brothers style of different muscle groups each day. For each muscle groups one set cycles through reps for each exercise which means even only 30 secs rest time was enough. Now I have to complete 3 - 6 sets of one exercise. That means longer rest times. For example . . .
If I do 4 sets of 10 pushups then I need the time for each set PLUS I need 4 x 90 secs (etc) rest time. And that is for only 1 exercise, and there are at least 9, more if there is a burnout set.
As a result I spent around 40 minutes working out, plus exercise, plus shower etc. My usual 10 - 30 minute routine is impossible. So today I only did pull and push. Tomorrow i will do legs and core.
I can see that the longer workouts will burn more fat and also build more muscle. That's good. But I won't be able to complete one level in one day, even at only level 3.
I will try this out for a month.
Wish me good luck!