hey, I am doing lv3 - lv5 for the last 3 - 4 weeks, and I just feel stuck in the wide pull ups, the progress I have made in the wide pull ups feels like nothing, I can lift my self only 3 cm and than I fall back down, does anyone have any suggestions? thanks.
Try to do negatives, australian wide pullups, or maybe just do pullups and go everytime a little bit wider
Just watched the video you posted, technically you did a wide pull up there lol, a regular pull up is shoulder width grip (or just tiny bit wider), so I'd say that's a wide pull up
Hey gligor, I have another question about shoulder width pull ups, should my elbows go to the sides or infront of me when im doing them?
On regular pull ups you focus more on getting your shoulder up to your wrist, on wide pull ups you focus on getting your elbows down to your lats/sides. So just focus it like that and the elbows will do it neutrally, but if you want to train more lats focus on pulling down with the elbows and feeling your lats contract.
Regular pull-ups are just a bit wider than shoulder width. Your elbows should go to the sides of your body, not if front of it. Hear what Frenk said, very good suggestions👌🏼. Good advice by Gligor as well.