Hello, i decided to make a training log, to show my progress each workout & week , month etc.
Lets start with some basic info.
Name: Jon
Age: 27
Weight: 132 kg >.<
Heigh: 185cm
Former Glory:
Was in the military 2008-2009, saw hannibal at youtube, was in love with bodyweight training. Got my self up to 15 pull ups around 50 push ups ( All strict, chest to floor ) I was at around 90kg, did around 5 reps with 20kg extra weight. Kept going strong for couple of years, on off. Nothing superb.
Got my self a girlfriend, was engaged etc for 3.5 years, got all the love Kilos , hehe, went sadly pretty fast from 85-90 to 100 then after that i went to 120, then she left me. I suddenly went up to 130. So wasn't a healthy relationship. Stopped training etc.
Then started with weight training, did loose to 128kg, but started gaining fast again because of bad nutrition, but at the same time i got stronger. Went from 60kg to 95kg 5rm in Bench, Squat: 70->90 kg 5rm , Deadlift: 85->120 5rm
But i didn't feel i got fitter, so went back to basic by going to Calisthenics, reminds me of military and same as cardio. It will be hill walking, interval, running, rucking.
Sorry for a long story.
Goal: Get fitter, around 85-90kg
Started now at 15.10.16
08.10.16 - Saturday:
Level 1:
Struggled but still had 15 good push ups, but dips and my pull ups are my nemesis, i can get 1-2 pull ups, normal form almost. Dips = 0, negative= hard
10.10.16 - Monday:
Level 2:
Same as level 1, painful. And my legs was still destroyed after level 1
11.10.16 - Tuesday:
Cardio , 30 min Run/walk at low tempo, but tried to keep my pulse at 120-150 , to keep my self in zone 3.
12.10.16 - Wedensday:
Level 3:
Fail, failed dips, 7 seconds up and down. Going back to level 1 to friday.