I haven't been able to star the program yet due to an injury. But I've been looking at all the levels and basically have them memorized. Anyway I was wondering what you guys who have started think of the rest time. 120 seconds after 1-4 pull-up holds that's two whole minutes. Has anyone here cut down the rest time by like 20 seconds on some of the longer rests. Or is that not a problem.
star=start sorry can't edit my post
You are totally free to adjust it after your own level !
Of course you can cut it for more of a challenge, you can adjust the program however you like to be honest, and in the beginning levels I know it seems long of a rest, but believe me you'll be begging for more rest time in the Intermediate levels, I can't imagine how Advanced is lol.
Ok thnx guys.
Hahaha, yeah, like Gligor said, adjust the time in the beginner and you'll see that you'll be begging for more rest time later hahaha. But that's ok Bro, keep it up!👌🏼👍🏼💪🏼
Should i do anything besides running on my rest day. Right now im doing about 20 push ups every rest day... should this stop. im a Ectomorph like Chris
Take your rest day very seriously, if you're Ectomorph you should run occasionally, not every rest day I guess, I don't know I'm not an Ectomorph lol. But the muscles grow at rest so you don't want to break them again. You could do some skill training, but get sets & reps out of your head.