so basically i have been doing the full body workouts and im on level 4 and my triceps aren't getting any stronger or bigger in size or more defined then before, on some days i can do alot but some other days i cant do any eg. yesterday i did 48 dips, 2 days before that i couldnt do 30 is this normal, this has been going like this for a month now and my triceps havent increased in size and i dont get close to what i used to do on some days. Can anyone help a brother out
Well I won't say we haven't. It's usual, some days you will perform at your peak so to say, and some days it won't be as good. Definitely happens here. And for growth, you have to eat in a calorie surplus, so check your nutrition, and one month isn't a lot of time for good progress as well as you might think you don't have any results, but you actually do, happens here a lot as well :)
Great reply!
so basically i have to eat more eat 3800 calouries a day
Well you have to be smart about it. You don't want to just eat 5K calories above your maintenance and gain tons of fat. You can bulk without getting fat (or very little) and you can cut without losing muscle (or very little). Yes you have to eat more in order to gain muscle, some people say you can do it without calorie surplus, and I think it might be possible but extremely hard and probably way more time taking, but just up your calorie intake day by day and see if you are gaining weight by pictures, scale or go check your muscle mass at a sports doctor one day and do it ex. 2 months later.
Good reply from Gligor!