Hey guys, I have this problem with my pull ups, I can do them with good form only half of the motion (the bottom part), when im going in to the top part of the pull up im getting a round shoulder position. My shoulder blades instade of retracting, there going away from each other. And my biceps are doing all the work insted of my back. I tried to go all the way back to level 1 and to do the negtives with good form but I wasnt able to retract my shoulder blades, I tried doing negatives with a resistant band and still no succes. That was 2 weeks ago, now im on level 3 after I did lv1 - 4 and failed lv4 then lv1 and lv2 again. So what can I do, my australian pull ups are with good form, shoulder blades retracted and everything. My pull strength is really not letting me to progress in the push core and legs. So what exercise is even easier than negative pull ups with a resistance band so I could do it and finally after 3 months to get my first pull up????
Try dead hanging with retracted shoulders so you get used to the position.
Thanks allot for the fast reply gligor, but I think that I need some exercise to help me to retract my shoulder blades at the top part of the pull up, not the bottom, im doing great half reps pull ups at the bottom part of the movment but I want to be able to do the full pull with good form
I'd recommend the same. If you need help to retract your shoulder blades, try a resistance band or try doing it in the australian pull up position.
Australian pull ups are great exercises too.
I can do about 30 australian pull ups in one set, my problem is not my back strength, the problem is that I was doing pull ups wrong so now my body is already used to the bad form. (But only at the top part of the pull up)
you can see what I mean in this video (the guy suggest to do a lat pull down but I dont have that option, and resistance band pull ups are still to heavy. Also negative pull upsThen why not do a pull up hold up there and try your best to retract your shoulder blades?