I'm doing level 8 tomorrow, but I don't know what an Atomic Hold is, nor do I know what exercise the 7 seconds up/down is in reference to. Is it dips?
Can someone clarify?
I'm doing level 8 tomorrow, but I don't know what an Atomic Hold is, nor do I know what exercise the 7 seconds up/down is in reference to. Is it dips?
Can someone clarify?
7 seconds up/down are pushups where you hold for 7 sec when you're up and 7 sec when you're down, just click search on top of the site and write in exercise you need to know im pretty sure you will find what you need.
Thanks Frenk!
HAving an issue watching the Atomic Hold video. It's telling me I have to buy the program to watch it, but i'm already subscribed.
OMG! I know this has been a problem for a while. We are sorry and are trying to fix it I'm sure. It's hard to explain how to do the atomic hold since there are actually two variations of this exercise. But thank you Frenk for helping out. I'll get back to you on the atomic hold Ben.
Ok, so type atomic hold in the forums and click on the first one that comes up, it was uploaded about 24 days ago. I explain one variation of the exercise(hard to explain), but Gligor actually uploaded a link showing how to do the exercise. Hope you can find it!
Hey Daniel, thanks for getting back to me, but unfortunately, I still can't watch the video.
Hmmmmm, I just checked and yeah, you're right, I can't watch it either. Well, guess we are going to have to wait for Gligor to upload it here.
I did read the other thread on the forums, but I'm not seeing any links to videos, or any pictures for that matter. Gligors link seems to have expierd.
I believe so, but I know what to do. I remember what the problem was, the reason you can't find the video for the atomic hold is because you are looking for the thumbnail of the exercise. Yet some exercises don't show the exercise in the thumbnail. Instead, look for the Clap Push-ups, the atomic hold video should be right below it. Also, look for the 7 seconds up and down video, the atomic hold video should be right above it. Hope this helps!