I get shoulder pain whenever I do a dip or a push-up.
I've watched the videos for negative dip and push-ups though it seems for dips I can't help but shrug my shoulders. For push-ups I can't seem to find the issue.
Cannot complete level 1 because of Dips/Push-ups
Hmmmmm, this is strange. Does it feel like a joint(ligament/tendon) issue or is it just muscle pain? You might not be strong enough to do them yet. Push-ups should be a pre-requisite for dips. Make sure you're doing the push-ups well before advancing to dips.
joey i had this issue but not as bad i guess. what u need to do is bench dip instead of negative dips as seen in lvl2. I struggled with negatives as well so i started to do this. Just keep doing push ups and do a few of these as these as they create less pain. Keep up the good work, this programme really works bro!! So keep it up
Thanks a lot Tray, he's right Joey, bench dips are magic, lol. I did bench dips long before I started doing dips. Great answer!
I'll definitely try that, if it doesn't work ill go see a doctor like Chris said.
Alright man, hope it works, but remember, safety first. Don't risk it, if it starts to hurt go see a doctor like Chris said.
Go see a doctor I would recommend!