One day i was just hanging out with my friend in the gym(i only train calisthenics, i was just waiting him to finish up) and i just did one pistol squat, just for fun you know and it seemed so easy so i did 9 in general, but at home i can't do a single pistol squat, what's the problem?
It's not that one days you will do better than others, i did 9 pistol squats and at home i do 0, that's why i can't train pistol squats because i can't do them at home, don't know why.
What should i do, what's the problem?
Go to the gym to train pistol squats.............lol no, I'm just kidding. Make sure your form is right, analyze how it is that you did then at the gym and do the same technique at home. Also, btw, the pressure of everyone watching you at the gym might have actually pushed you into giving it more effort, but that's just a theory. Anyway, another thing that might help is doing them on an elevated platform or on the top of the stairs. That way if your extended leg reaches ground floor you won't touch the ground. That might also be something that's slowing you down. But the main thing is form, make sure you're not stumbling all over the place, maintain balance. Also, hahaha, give it all you've got, effort has a lot to do with it as well. Explosiveness might help with that as well. Hope I was of help!
Thanks for answering!