Hello all, I've recently purchased program and I'm going to start training with it in like one week. I've been doing calisthenics for about 3 months now, tried even Medrano's program but it just doesn't suit me well ( It's not about a progression, it's really strict ). As I checked the list of levels, I'm going to start somewhere between 10-12 lvl, can't wait! Ohhh, and I want to add that I've done my first sloppy muscle up recently as well!!!!!
I didn't even know Frank had a program, he's such an awesome guy as well, his body control is amazing. Anyway, welcome Matthew, this workout program is not that strict in the sense of you can adjust it however you like, and if you fail a level, you simply go back a few levels, I don't know how the Medrano program is scheduled, and I'm not saying that Chris's program is superior than Medrano's or the Bar Brothers System, but I find it very appealing for most lifestyles, easy to progress, not that strict (I don't know how strict Medrano's is), and actually surprisingly very fun. Can't wait to hear your progress and how you feel about this program.
Good job on getting your first sloppy muscle up! Salute!
That's great that you got in! Good luck Bro! Be sure to post your progress here! Congrats on the Muscle Up!!!💪🏼
Thanks guys for warm greetings, I'll definitely post some news from my workout progression, for sure on saturday, when I'll actually start my journey with Calishtenics Unity workout program :D
Hello guys, I've done lvl 6 and it feels like my shoulders are not that prepared for dips. I can do max sets with max reps, but after performing this exercise, my left shoulder is in pain. Then it hurts while doing push ups. Should I start with lower levels, with the negatives, to preper my muscles for this push exercise? ( I think I warm up properly, like 3minutes of jumping rope, then some amrs swngs while running,high knees, and I do shoulder warm up, it takes me like 10-15min to warm up )
Hey Matthew, if you're in pain because of an exercise, I highly recommend you take it easy in regards to any workouts that targets your shoulders. You don't want to make it worse. Get good rest tonight, stretch your shoulders before bed and when you wake up, and check on it again in the morning.
Thx bro, I'll make sure to do some extra stretches :)