I can't seem to finish level 11 and its been about 3 weeks now. I can do everything in it besides the pull exercises. What should I do?
Alright alright, first of all calm down, this is a normal/regular problem. It's been happening lately to a lot of other guys as well, so chill out! It's not a bad thing to struggle or fail a level, in fact I look forward to these things, cause they mean that I can get better, and so can you! Ok, so back to the question, "What should I do?". Well, first of all, just because you failed on pull doesn't mean you failed the level, you can keep on moving forward on the rest muscle groups: Push, Legs, an Core, while working on strength on Pull. Just move on to level 12 on the rest muscle groups, because you don't want to slow yourself down on those Bro. And I would recommend rotating around levels 9,10, and 11 for pull until you get strong enough to move forward to level 12. Even if you fail on level 11, don't worry about it. Keep working hard and results will come. Wait and see Brother. Good luck, and I hope I helped! Go Beast Mode!
Thanks so much, means a lot!