HI guys i started my journey the begining of this month i started with level 3 and i couldnt do level 5 for 2 weeks cuz of the dips i finaly did 3 sets 8 reps,today i started level 6 but smth happned,i did first the pull ups then the negative muscle ups and then i did 1 set 8 dips,and 2 set i did 6 and 3 i did 4 ,what happned?on level 5 i was able to do 3 sets 8 dips and 4 set 6-7 dips.What should i do try level 6 again or go back do level 4 ?I really sad.Sry for my english.
Simply not enough energy, make sure your nutrition and sleep is good, im sure you will pass the level next time 💪💪
And no, dont go back to lv4 just try lv6 one more time