I am currently doing the full body workout program which has me working out every other day. When do people work on moves like the L sit or planche (I know that is a long way away, but just as an example)? I can't really work on the workout days because I am already exhausted and I need the rest days to recover, so when should I work on moves like that? Thanks
During your burnout routines. I read that here I think from gilgor and for me it's the best time too
Well it was Daniel haha, but I agree with that if you feel good. Sometimes I actually do them 20 minutes before my actual level workout though because I have the most energy then. And sometimes I "skip" a level to train moves while still using my muscles (things like front lever, back lever, etc). Sometimes my muscles are completely exhausted during/after the burnout so I probably won't do the best on them. It depends on the day I guess and how you feel, just find what suits you the best.
Good question. I already answered this on another thread. After the workout you can practice the moves and skills. In the burnout routines is what I'd suggested before, that way your muscles are already worked out and warm up for skill training. Also, calisthenics moves and skills are mostly about balance and cordination and some about resistance, not really strength. So yeah, after your workout would be a good time to do so. Good luck!
Thanks guys!
Hey Matt,
i do my skill work before my workout starts.
i train day 1 pushing, day 2 pulling, day 3 legs (and core)
before every training session i do 5 minutes of l-sit skill work and 10 min handstand skill-work.
i personally work good with this routine, maybe you can try this too