Hey guys,
wassup hope you're having a great day.
I usually comment and help but I sometimes need to hear opinions.
So the thing is basically I am inadequate, I have been training for a long while, so the main topic is:
1) After all that time, with my strength, I can't still perform the muscle up ; I have to get something like a box and stand on in and jump over the bar, I just did level 20 today for the 4th or 5th time and still can't perform the muscle I keep going a level up then doing the 2 past of it in a row for example : if I did 20 today next time 18 then 19 then 20 again. So I am lacking on something, watching videos doing the techniques ( not knowing what's the issue) I can pretty much max everything on a level but the muscle up and complete form pistol squats. Should I keep moving forward? Should I drop levels?
2) I am getting smaller, skinnier from my hand and I can notice that the most in my FOREARM it used to be huge like really huge maybe smaller than my biceps lil bit but not it's almost disappearing, my biceps is shrinking too, now before you jump into conclusion and will say hey you're on a calorie deficit, here's what I usually eat:
1) breakfast: 250-300 grams of big leaves oats just changed from quick oats, healthier it takes longer to cook so it's less processed, w/honey and cinnamon sometimes I eat 2 eggs or maybe 5 whole eggs with pita bread .
1 brown bread w/low fat cheese
maybe a banana sometimes and I drink a cup of full fat milk
2)lunch: 95% of the time I eat 2 chicken breasts w/ usually broccoli or sweet potato nowadays sometimes white rice with any veggies cooked not steamed.
3) I eat a cup of whole yogurt w/some honey some cottage cheese and a barley bread thin like a cracker like the one Chris made in his nutritional video maybe w/some hot milk too.
I drink 2-2.5 liters of water right now.
So as you can see that's what I basically eat for breakfast and dinner, after my workout I eat the oats around 7am before I go to school and the sandwich w/fruit in school @12pm, lunch around 3-4pm dinner @7-9 so as you can see that's what I usually do and eat
I workout @5am everyday so I eat breakfast as soon as I get home, I don't have a preworkout meal of course nor do I drink or do anything before working out I eat the first meal @7am when I go home, the oats, so as you can see I wake up really early and train I plan to sleep around 10-11pm I have doing this routine for months now and I didn't see that shrinking until now.
I have cutted the cardio just walking to school that's it so I am losing alot of bodyfat and protein, I eat alot of protein daily and you red what I usually eat and when my workouts are, I am getting inadequate more and more, I must do something, I eat cleaner than you think, no pizzas no coke no nothing, I am afraid of white bread but I control it not letting the calisthenics get into my way and control my brain, you'll say maybe have a cheat meal or two once in a while but I didn't cheat for a long time, more than 4 month last thing was a piece of burger no sauces on it even, but seriously I am getting worse and worse, I don't know if I am losing bodyfat or muscle mass, I have been working out alot and I am finding a hard time thinking that I am actually doing it all wrong maybe my bodyfat is low but as I said my hands and body shape is getting smaller feeling like I am getting shorter and shorter day by day and getting alot of alerts on my face, like pimples which never came to me before, also I'd like to say the hormones are on point hopefully, I usually reply to comments because I gained experience but I am asking for your opinions should I eat more or what I am eating is considered bulk bec we don't have branded foods so I can't calculate my macros or calories, Should I keep moving forward? Should I drop levels? Should I eat more and do cardio maybe cardio helps maintaining muscle and getting lean I know all the major diets like calorie deficit, IIFYM etc.. what I am aiming for is lean bulk I don't know if I am near to it or what is my diet considered.(maybe on a deficit maybe not).
Everyone is welcomed to give your opinions hope to hear from Chris and Gligor and Daniel, Gligor I used to be fat so you know where I came from.
Hope you had a good reading session and you can share your opinion.
Thank you all and have a great day!