my advice is; rest :-)!
take a pause doing upper body exercises, try to do a wrist friendly modificated workout routine, work on your flexibility, your legs and your core. do not be afraid, you are not going to lose that much gains.
when i started working out i had a lot of pain in my wrist, however because the muscles around it were not strong enough and it was a very uncommon movement for my body, i was not used to it at all. since i get stronger, the pain went away.
but this does not mean, that you should ignore the pain, if you feel pain, directly stop doing your exercise and really try to rest! maybe you are new to working out and your body is just not used to it at all. you could maybe use a wrist brace while working out. the brace stops the range of motion, so you do not reach the ranges that hurt.
what do you mean with a good warum up? i recommend you definitely to do a specific warm up for your hands! you will find a lot of routines on the internet ! incluce them to every warm up!! i know warm up is somehow annoying, but it is so important!
You can also use parallets, especially for your handstands progressions. parallelts are very wrist friendly because your wrist will be in a neutral position (good :-)) and not extended (not good). you do not have to buy parallelts because they are often very expensive. you will find good DIY tutorials on youtube for less money:-)
when the pain is gone, do not jump back directly to your old workout routine and work out as hard as you used to! rest for another week, doing easier exercises, your body will thank to you later !