Hello Chris, I have a question for you because after all youre the one who created this program, so my question is if its ok to have different levels for each body part, for example, if I have faild lv13 on push, but completed it on the core pull and legs, can I go to lv14 on this body part, and go back to lv11 on the push. Im asking this question because I aware of that you planned the workout program on that if I failed some level then I have to go back, so maybe you planned that we will fail on lv13 with the push, so that we could strengthen the core more before going to lv14, I hope im saying things that make sense to you, thanks alot💪
I know the question was for Chris, but I think you should move on on core if you did pass the level. There's no reason why you should hold your other muscle body parts down because you can't progress as fast and effective as the others. So I would recommend to go back to level 12 or 11 on push but move forward on the rest(if you passed it or are strong enough). Hope I was of service.
I can't keep up with giving advice because of time and all these topics lately, so great job Daniel and all the others guys that replied.
Good answer by Daniel, I do that too, well kind of. I ended up going up to lvl 18 on Pull Legs & Core but since muscle ups (resistance band will come in like a month so.. yea) are still the edgy part I end up doing the levels where there's muscle ups but I do negative muscle up + tigerbend push ups as 1 rep of the muscle up and then the other exercises of the level just so I can keep progressing. You could do something like that as well depending on the exercise. Too bad I strained my wrist a little so I'm resting from the pull up bar for a few days but still doing push (of course the exercises that don't hurt my wrist that much) legs and core. Salute!